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Five Common Methods for Testing Early Pregnancy

Five Common Methods for Testing Early Pregnancy

Five Common Methods for Testing Early Pregnancy
1、 The most commonly used method – judging by symptoms in early pregnancy
It is based on the symptoms of early pregnancy in women to determine whether they are pregnant. The early symptoms of early pregnancy include the following aspects:
(1) Menstrual delay: For women who have sex, if their menstrual cycle is regular and delayed, they should first consider pregnancy.
(2) Nausea and vomiting: In early pregnancy, due to changes in hormone levels in the body, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down, leading to early pregnancy reactions such as morning sickness and vomiting. Generally, it disappears on its own around 12 weeks of pregnancy.
(3) Urinary frequency: Due to the increased pressure of the uterus on the bladder, there may be an increase in the frequency of urination.
(4) Breast swelling and pain: An increase in estrogen levels in the body can induce secondary breast development, leading to breast enlargement and swelling and pain.
(5) Other: Due to changes in hormone levels, some women may also experience skin pigmentation and other symptoms.
The symptoms of early pregnancy usually appear around 40 days, and if a woman has more than three of these symptoms, it is highly likely that she is pregnant. During early pregnancy, it is also possible to experience dizziness, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, insomnia, and body heat. It may also be normal without any abnormalities, depending on individual circumstances.
2、 The simplest method – temperature measurement
Women in the appropriate pregnancy period can develop a good habit of recording their body temperature during the preparation period, which can be used to determine whether they are pregnant. Before ovulation, women generally have a body temperature below 36.5 ℃. After ovulation, the body temperature rises by 0.3 to 0.5 degrees. If the egg fails to be fertilized, the Progestogen drops a week later and the body temperature returns to normal.
3、 The most reliable method for measuring pregnancy – B-ultrasound examination
If you want to determine whether you are pregnant after a month of cohabitation, the most reliable method is to go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound examination to measure the time of early pregnancy, usually delaying menstruation by about a week. If you see a pregnancy halo on the B-ultrasound, it means you are pregnant.
4、 The Most Convenient Method for Pregnancy Testing - pregnancy test midstream
The most convenient way to test for pregnancy is to use a pregnancy test strip or hcg pregnancy test cassette. Generally, it can be used to check for pregnancy by delaying menstruation by about three to five days. If the test strip shows two red lines, it indicates pregnancy, and vice versa, it indicates non pregnancy.
The method of detection is to use morning urine droplets to drop into the detection hole of the test paper. If only one bar appears in the control area of the test paper, it indicates that you are not pregnant yet. If two bars appear, it indicates that you are pregnant, which means you are pregnant.
5、 The most accurate method for measuring pregnancy – HCG testing in blood or urine
These two methods are the earliest and most accurate way to test whether a woman is pregnant at present. They are a new hormone produced by the pregnant woman after the Zygote is implanted into the uterus, and also Human chorionic gonadotropin. Generally, Human chorionic gonadotropin can be detected by these two methods after ten days of pregnancy. Therefore, if you want to know whether you are pregnant as soon as possible, you can go to the hospital for pregnancy urine HCG or blood HCG ten days after the same room.
The above is a brief introduction to the methods of early pregnancy testing, hoping to be helpful to female friends who want to test pregnancy.


Post time: Jul-27-2023