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Science Popularization | How Do Women Prepare for Pregnancy Scientifically?

Science Popularization | How Do Women Prepare for Pregnancy Scientifically?

What is scientific pregnancy preparation?
“My husband and I have been preparing for pregnancy recently, and now everyone says’ scientific preparation for pregnancy, eugenics and fertility ‘. How should we prepare for pregnancy scientifically?”
Scientific preparation for pregnancy refers to the use of scientific and reasonable methods to nourish the body, ensuring a healthy body shape for conception, and is one of the important measures to reduce birth defects.

Why do we need to prepare for pregnancy at least three months in advance?
Understanding the growth cycle of an egg, women usually only release one mature egg per month, while an egg can only survive for 1-2 days after being released. During this period, it needs to meet and combine with sperm to give birth to new life. During the entire process of egg development, a growth cycle of about 85 days is required, which is about three months. So, if women want to have a healthy and high-quality egg, they need to prepare for pregnancy three months in advance.

Preparing for pregnancy requires supplementing folic acid
Folic acid has a preventive effect on neural tube defects and needs to be supplemented from 3 months before pregnancy until 3 months after pregnancy. Supplementing with 0.4-0.8mg of folic acid per day, or a complex vitamin containing folic acid. Pregnant women who have previously conceived or given birth to neural tube defects need to supplement with 4mg of folic acid daily.

Reasonable medication is necessary for pregnancy preparation
If you have entered the state of preparing for pregnancy, you should avoid using drugs that may affect the normal development of the fetus. For any diseases that require medication, remember to inform the doctor before prescribing medication that you are in the state of preparing for pregnancy.

Improve pre pregnancy examinations
Blood routine, urine routine, liver and kidney function, and infectious disease screening;
● Electrocardiogram and blood pressure measurement;
Virus (TORCH) antibody detection;
Cervical TCT examination and gynecological examination;
Screening for carriers of common monogenic genetic diseases, such as thalassemia, hereditary deafness, and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).
Attention: The examination should be conducted 3-6 months before pregnancy, and sexual activity should be avoided 3 days before the examination. Menstrual period should be avoided, and it is generally recommended to do so 3-7 days after the end of menstruation.

Pregnancy preparation precautions
✔ Quit smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking are definitely more harmful to the human body than beneficial, let alone for a unborn child. Therefore, in preparation for pregnancy, one should quit smoking and drinking;
✔ Reasonable daily routine and appropriate exercise (go to bed and wake up early, do not stay up late, staying up late is the most harmful to the ovaries);
✔ Healthy diet, supplementing vitamins and trace elements;
✔ Stay away from various pollutants and avoid exposure to radiation, such as heavy metal chemicals and secondhand smoke.

In short, in order to have a healthier baby, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy in advance, and of course, prenatal check ups after pregnancy are also essential

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Post time: Jun-05-2024